Current openings
Please, contact me if any of these opportunities is of interest to you. If you want to join the lab but none of the opportunities below fits you, I am happy to support applications for funding or similar (kindly, check the rest of this page).
- Intern: currently there is an internship open to University of Catania students on the theme “Bioimmagini – acquisizione di dati per analisi di morfometria geometrica". The internship is open to both BSc and MSc students
More information on joining the lab
“What if the position I’m looking for is not listed among the open postions?"
A number of projects are currently available in the lab. These can be grouped in two main areas:
- Empirical: morphological evolution
- Methodological – method development and bench-marking
Most – but not all – empirical projects involve improving our understanding of fish evolution. In a similar fashion, most – but not all – methodological projects involve geometric morphometric methods. I am also open to new lab members coming with their ideas for projects and discussing them with me.
Please, contact me using the form in the contact page or my institutional e-mail address.
Visiting students/researchers are also welcome to inquire with me. Potential international lab members and visitors are also extremely welcome. As regulations and funding opportunities are often country-specific, I will be happy to discuss the details on a case-by-case basis. Opportunities for funding visitors (short stays) may be available, depending on various things such as career stage, country of provenance and the kind of work that one plans to do here.
We currently do not have open postdoctoral positions, but I will be happy to support applications to external funding by motivated perspective lab members. Also, we are supporting MSCA “Seal of Excellence" holders who received the SoE in the last two years to get a 3-year position funded by the Italian Ministry of University and Research.
A few more career-stage-specific information can be found below.
Career-stage-specific information
Perspective postdocs should have previously-published papers in respectable ISI journals. They should also have acquired skills relevant to the project, and a desire to complement them with new skills learned here. I am happy to support applications for funding international postdocs, particularly for funding from their own countries or from international organizations (e.g. the European Union through Marie Curie actions). If you have an idea of a project to do here, send me an email and we’ll take it from there!
Visiting researchers
Please, inquire with me about potential collaborations and projects/activities to be carried during a perspective research stay.
Potential funding for visits (reciprocal or otherwise) may come, for instance, through the bilateral agreements.
PhD students
I am happy to support the application of motivated perspective PhD students to the doctoral program of the Department of Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences at the University of Catania.
There are calls every year and perspective PhD students are evaluated based on several factors such as previous experience and the quality of their research project. Feel free to contact me if you plan to apply with me as a potential supervisor.
Domestic students –The students should have strong academic track record. A familiarity (ideally) and desire to learn (necessarily) advanced quantitative skills applied to biological data is of paramount importance, as it is an at least basic command of the English language (with the expectation that this will have to reach professional standards over the course of the PhD).
International students – Will be required sufficient working knowledge of the English language. I will be happy to support applications for funding international PhD students, particularly for funding from their own countries or from international organizations (e.g. European Union).
Masters, MRes and Honours students
Master projects should result in a published paper. This will allow the student to pursue a career in academia (by starting a PhD) if they wish to pursue one. Carrying out a project resulting in a paper requires substantial dedication, but will be a personally and professionally rewarding experience.
Domestic students – An interest in the research topics pursued by the lab and a strong motivation to put in the necessary work that a research project involves are key pre-requisites. Prior experience with quantitative data analysis (e.g. data analysis in R) is not strictly necessary but particularly welcome. The ability of read and communicate in English is also expected.
International students – International Masters/Honours students would typically be involved in visiting internships. In addition to the criteria for domestic students, they should have a reasonable command of the English language to allow working in an English-speaking lab.
Undergraduate students
Domestic students –Should have a strong interest in the research topics pursued by the lab and possess strong motivation to put in the necessary work that a research project involves., as well as participating in common activities (e.g., lab meetings). The ability to read and communicate (at a basic level) in English is also expected.
International students – International students would typically be involved in visiting internships. In addition to the criteria for domestic students, they should have a reasonable command of the English language to allow working in an English-speaking lab.
Curricular internships (“tirocini formativi") are available. Please, contact me to discuss this possibility.